Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

It is TIME!!!!! Time for Trick or Treating!! Time to meet up with all the friends in the neighborhood and go door to door as fast as we possibly can so we can get as much candy as we can possibly get so we can take it home and eat as much as we possibly can!!!
Braden and Julia and their friends wait for this special day all year. The costumes are all set ready for the night of ghost and goblins!!!
This year i couldn't keep up with Braden and his buddies, so Julia and us girls made sure we got in all the houses and had a great time running and laughing and following this trail of candy on the ground. Someone had a hole in their bag....... next thing i know Braden comes up to me with his bag half as full as Julia's his head was a sweaty mess and he had a look of deep sadness on his face... Poor Braden had a hole in his bag, Roxy got a hold of it and tore a hole in the bottom. It was to late to go back and hit the homes again and at this pointe Braden felt his night was ruined until ...... news came from his friends there was a haunted house in the neighborhood that they must go to, his frown turned upside down and him and Brad were gone again and Julia and i finished our walk back to the house to eat all the candy!!!! There are always happy endings!!!!

Halloween Brunch

It's Halloween !!!!! This year it was on a Sunday!!! So we decided to go to Brunch with our BEST friends the Hardy crew!!! What a perfect way to start off our day!!!!! The kids especially loved it cause they all dressed in there Halloween clothes and the best part was Julia matched Sarah Kate and Lila!!! Julia loves to dress up and match her best friend and the love of her life Lila Ray!!!! We tried a new resturant in Norton Commons and it was wonderful, i think it actually has become a personal favorite for each one of us. I know this because everyone ate every bite on their plates!!!
It always is soo nice when we get to spend some time with our special friends because our families just fit!! Danielle and I are totally look alikes and she is a very special person with a very big heart and just spreads joy with whom ever she is with! Then you have the boys!! The big boys who can talk to each other about everything and anything..... seriously anything!! Which is so wonderful for Brad to have such a nice friend to share his thoughts and feelings with!! And what about our young men!!!!!! Braden doesn't have a brother.. he has two.. his best friends Riggs and Rollins!
Then you have our little ladies and that is just what they are. They love each other so much and are such a big part of each others lives! Perfect example..... Over at Felisha's house for a party SK pops in with D, and notices shrimp on the counter and says to me Ms. Jenna u have to bring Julia some shrimp... so precious !! She sure knows julia loves her shrimp!!! Just love!!!!
After the plates were cleared and the day got on it's way we said see you later... and off to the Halloween Family Trail til dusk then it's time to Trick or Treat!!!
But i sure tell you i wish Halloween could be on a weekend every year because this was the way to start off the day!!!!!!!!