Thursday, November 11, 2010

Halloween at Ballet

Ballet and costumes just fit. Julia looked forward to this all day!! She got to wear her Halloween costume to Ballet class. She looked so cute and so mature in her little pink lepard costume!! Julia has taken ballet for going on 4 years.. Let's see we have been to Dance Design, you didn't care for that place, so we tried Louisville Academy of dance, well i didn't like that place. So you now your on your second year at Dancers Pointe and we both love it!!! I truly think you would be perfectly happy anywhere with Sarah Kate in class. But this really is a very cute little place and you do little things like dress up for Halloween, and dance in the dark with wands and best of all you and SK can break it down with your shuffle ball change to Justin Beaber!!!

Halloween at Westport Village

So we got an email about a Halloween Trick or Treat event at Westport Village. So we all
decided to check
it out!!! It was
really fun!!! The kids loved it!!! We started the night with a quick stop at Qudoba for dinner, then they were off running from store to store getting a ton of Halloween treats!!! They were laughing and smiling and just enjoying life!!!
After all the candy was gotten and the night was coming to end... we had to end it at the comfy cow!! For some ice cream and hot chocolate!!! What a perfect fun night!!!

Julia's Class

This is Julia's Kindergarten class. I was so happy when Julia got Stephanie Atkins, I just love her!! Braden had her and i really just fell in love she was amazing and his class was just as amazing. I wish i could say that for Julia, and say she has made so many nice friends. But, i just can't find it in my heart to say that. Julia has made some nice friends with some of the boys in her class. Grant, Brayden, Clark and James. It's hard for Julia to open up and let people inside and i do wish i could blame it on this issue but there are just a few girls in the class and the ones in there are just a little different then Julia. Julia is just such a girly girl and likes to talk about girl things like nails or earrings and even hair. I volunteer in the class twice a week and i see Julia laugh and giggle with her boy friends and sometimes it bothers me, but let me tell you those boys in this class are very good boys and they really like Julia, she has now been invited to two boy parties and loved every minute!!! James lives in our neighborhood and comes all the way over to our street to get on the bus with Julia.
Kindergarten is only one year and next year there will be a whole new class and there may be some girls in there just like Julia!!! And she gets very special treats like Sarah Kate and Lila Ray visits that she loves just look at her smile on her face. No words can describe that happy feeling. So, we live for those moments and cherish her teacher and look forward to the next boy party!!!



I mean can you say "cute" Look at how big he is getting and look how cute he is. Braden is growing up and enjoying sports!! Him and Rollins are on the Throughbreds soccer team. And he gets so excited to go and enjoying playing soccer with his good buddy!!! Braden is so shy
and not aggressive but
he is starting to shed his shell. He is starting to blossom into a young man who loves sports and loves playing
with his friends. He can't wait to find the next game or attend the next practice. He loves playing any sport, or even watching it for that matter. I am so proud of him and i wish with every piece of me he will continue to blossom and shine like a super star!!!! Because he is my super star!!!!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

It is TIME!!!!! Time for Trick or Treating!! Time to meet up with all the friends in the neighborhood and go door to door as fast as we possibly can so we can get as much candy as we can possibly get so we can take it home and eat as much as we possibly can!!!
Braden and Julia and their friends wait for this special day all year. The costumes are all set ready for the night of ghost and goblins!!!
This year i couldn't keep up with Braden and his buddies, so Julia and us girls made sure we got in all the houses and had a great time running and laughing and following this trail of candy on the ground. Someone had a hole in their bag....... next thing i know Braden comes up to me with his bag half as full as Julia's his head was a sweaty mess and he had a look of deep sadness on his face... Poor Braden had a hole in his bag, Roxy got a hold of it and tore a hole in the bottom. It was to late to go back and hit the homes again and at this pointe Braden felt his night was ruined until ...... news came from his friends there was a haunted house in the neighborhood that they must go to, his frown turned upside down and him and Brad were gone again and Julia and i finished our walk back to the house to eat all the candy!!!! There are always happy endings!!!!

Halloween Brunch

It's Halloween !!!!! This year it was on a Sunday!!! So we decided to go to Brunch with our BEST friends the Hardy crew!!! What a perfect way to start off our day!!!!! The kids especially loved it cause they all dressed in there Halloween clothes and the best part was Julia matched Sarah Kate and Lila!!! Julia loves to dress up and match her best friend and the love of her life Lila Ray!!!! We tried a new resturant in Norton Commons and it was wonderful, i think it actually has become a personal favorite for each one of us. I know this because everyone ate every bite on their plates!!!
It always is soo nice when we get to spend some time with our special friends because our families just fit!! Danielle and I are totally look alikes and she is a very special person with a very big heart and just spreads joy with whom ever she is with! Then you have the boys!! The big boys who can talk to each other about everything and anything..... seriously anything!! Which is so wonderful for Brad to have such a nice friend to share his thoughts and feelings with!! And what about our young men!!!!!! Braden doesn't have a brother.. he has two.. his best friends Riggs and Rollins!
Then you have our little ladies and that is just what they are. They love each other so much and are such a big part of each others lives! Perfect example..... Over at Felisha's house for a party SK pops in with D, and notices shrimp on the counter and says to me Ms. Jenna u have to bring Julia some shrimp... so precious !! She sure knows julia loves her shrimp!!! Just love!!!!
After the plates were cleared and the day got on it's way we said see you later... and off to the Halloween Family Trail til dusk then it's time to Trick or Treat!!!
But i sure tell you i wish Halloween could be on a weekend every year because this was the way to start off the day!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010


This is Roxy!! She is our German Shepard puppy she
is 11 months old!!! Her birthday is one week before Braden's!!
We searched and searched for Roxy.... or for an assist dog for Braden!! After Braden's first siezure, we went a little crazy, after being diagnosed with Epilepsy. WE figured Braden was going to have a lot of seizures and we read.... actually Nana found out about dogs that could sense siezures!!
Well after finding this information out we realized Roxy was a must. WE could not go through life wondering on a daily basis when Braden would have another seizure ..... even through the night, or going outside or any time of day.
So we bought Roxy from an outstanding breeder of these German Shepards. They are actually brought in from Germany to breed from a workline of Geman Shepards. That is why she is mostly black!!! Our breeder was fabulous, matter of fact we still stay in contact with her!!!
Roxy was very very expensive, but heck we didn't care what the cost!! It was for Braden and we NEEDED her to help our life get back to normal..... did i say normal......
Roxy arrived for Christmas!! Actually Santa brought her two days before Christmas!! She was a true gift!!! She has been a really good puppy, except for eating our carpet, eating the sides of the kitchen cabinets, eating our kitchen rugs, and now scratching our new hardwood floor!! But that is all just puppy stuff. She is really really smart!!!
We decided to hire a trainer named Lindsey. She is a dog trainer specializing in all assist dogs!! She is amazing!! Really when she speaks Roxy listens. We started the training off strong!! Roxy was being worked daily!! It was great!!! But it just got to the point of ridiculous when it came to the cost. Like close to our mortgage payment!!!! So, we had to stop training for a little bit!!! And as the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months with no seizure for Braden... the training to lapsed.
Roxy, is truly loved by everyone!! She is wild and out of control sometimes but the kids love her!!! She was named by Julia and the name is really fitting to her personality!!! Braden's siezures are truly under control.......yes we don't know when or if the next one will happen, but we didn't know when and if the first one would ever happen!! It's just life !!! And i am so glad that Roxy is in ours!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Flag football

Today bra went out for flag football. Well this was not even going to happen. Braden has so much going on with soccer and then Julia with soccer and ballet our plates are full. But Braden begged me to sign up. Against brad's will i decided to sign him up. So i did. Today bra was very excited about the game he has been practicing evey night with Brad. So today he ran out there ready. He actually played Miles Atkins and Jordan Cordreys team. Maybe Braden just needed to beat his buddy maybe he was just in the right mind set, but Braden went out there ready to play today. He took the field and begged to be quarterback. Braden has never begged to play anything. Soccer, basketball, and every other sport we have ever put Braden in he has never begged to play anything. Braden is very shy and afraid to dissapoint, but not today. Braden took that field like a bandit ready to play. First play bra busted out a stop on defense!! Wait i thought to myself was that bra i had to check the shorts to make sure that was him. he played a great first half. Score was 2 nothing his team loosing! Bra went back second half and not only played great but scored!! Yes my Braden scored!!!! Not only that but the only one on the team that scored!!! Braden's team lost their first game, but it was a win for my little boy in everyway!!! Way to go BRADEN !! I love you!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The State Fair

The Kentucky state fair!!! We love the fair!!! Nana and Bopa would take Me, Ryan and Bretty every year!! We would look so forward to the fair, could wait to have funnel cakes, pork chop sandwiches, Fish sandwiches, cotton candy, and my favorite Carmel apples!!! The fair is now one of Braden, Julia, Abbie and Ryson's favorite things!!! This year was however was a little different for the Timmering family. This year... i realized... my babies are getting older..... no stroller to push through those tiny isles, no baby bag to bump into people with. It was this day i realized my babies were kidos now!! And wanting to throw balls for prizes and ride wild rides. Where has the time gone....
Braden and Julia had the best time they looked at all the booths with Mom and Dad!! Ate all the food with Uncle Ryan and Aunt Jodie and let out some
screams with Abbie and Ryson!!! What a day our family had they loved the animals especially the piggies with their babies!!! And the duckies on their slide!!!
We did it all in just 8 hours at the fair... yes the whole day at the fair and the best part we will do it again next year!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First day of school!!!!

Today my little girl started kindergarten!!!! Yes my little Julia Rose is going to school. Where did the time go. How can she be big enough for school. What am i going to do without her. She is very nervous, and that is not her at All she popped right out of bed and was ready in plenty of time for the bus!! For the bus ..... what!!! She looked adorable from the top of her head to the bottom of her toes. It was time 6:50 time for the bus to come we waited in a long line of 11 kids and braden was amazing... telling her, "Julia don't be scared!" Julia knew bra would be there!! The bus pulled up and julia squeezed my hand at that moment i knew she was scared, but i didnt say a word just pulled her up closer to the bus and she started crying saying "Moma i cant do this!! i just can't do this! i don't want to go !! i want to stay with you". At that moment it was all i could do not to cry myself. I just swalled as hard as i could and told her you are have to brave and a big girl!! You are such a strong person you can do this!! i put her in her seat with Naporh, a little girl across the street that julia was not crazy about, and she was just sobbing...... the bus pulled away and Julia was crying waving good bye....... a sight i could not erase from my mind. As the bus pulled away i let it goooooo. I lost it. Julia was a big girl on the bus. i was alone ....... she was gone my baby all day. No more Mcdonald runs, no more picnics, no more late mornings, no more girl days, and no more mommy julia time, while big brother Braden was at school. The day went by and it was time for her to get home. i anxiously went to the bus stop as the bus pulled up and opened the door there stood Julia with a huge grin and she ran to me as fast as she could!! And said " Moma i missed you!!" if she only knew how much i missed her too!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kindergarten registration

Let's see you were born 5 years ago last Febuary and now you are going to kindergarten. What!! Where has the time gone??? You are such a beautiful young lady, with lots of spirit!! We had your orientation at 5:30 tonight, we started getting ready at 3 and did it all from curlers to new outfit and ended it with a fresh mani pedi!!! Yes, you are one amzaing lilttle girl. I am just still in astounishment that you will be leaving me everyday.... what will i do with out all our days together no more late morning pancakes or afternoon walks or Mcdonald runs!!! i am really going to miss you. You have a wonderful teacher!! Braden had her and now you Stephanie Atkins. Boy she is in for it this year with you but you know what!!! She will fall in love!! Just like everyone does, you really get under people skin..... that is a gift you are just gravitating!! i know you will do great this year and you know i love you soo much!! Get ready little girl your life is about to change. And i hate it!!!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

UofL Soccer Camp!!

This is Braden's 2nd year at the UofL soccer camp!! He loves it!!!! He has progressed so much in soccer!!! He loves it!!! He has amazing endurance. Plus it is something he can do with his buddies!! Of course Riggs and Rollins but other big guys too!!! Braden even made a friend this year at camp his name is Sebastian. Come to find out he is Ryan's neighbors son!!! Small world!!! The boys can only attend the first three days!!! So Tina Lolla the soccer coaches wife made sure the boys got all of their goody bags and pics of the entire team on the last day just for Braden Rollins and Riggs!!! Is that amazing!! Amazing stuff for the most amazing boys!!!! So sad they had to cut the week short but Braden is soooo excited UK basketball camp!!!!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Lila Ray Hardy is 2

Yesturday was Lila Ray's little Bday party!! It was a pool party and you guys were ready to go at 8:30am and it didn't start till noon!! You guys love to swim!! I really think it is instilled in your blood!!! Since everyone in Grampa Maley's family swam. You guys are amazing in the water!! Like fish!! You dive you stroke!!! Braden for a 6 year old, is amazing!! Your strokes are great we just have to get that head turning to the side instead of up!! And Julia for 5, you are very strong in the water!! You will keep up with Braden even if it kills you!!

So lets get back to the day, Lila is two now and the youngest of four Hardy kidos!! We think this little girl is just precious!! She gets right in there and joins the crowd, she loves Brad calls him BAD!!! So Cute!!!
The Hardy's are our very best friends!! I mean the whole family. Kinda crazy and unheard of!!! Danielle is defintaly mine, i can tell her anything and everything and... i do!! Jeremy Danielle's Husband is Brad's definate BFF!!! Actually they are at the Brickyard today together and Dad was pumped!! He was so excited to have his day with his buddy!! Then we have Riggs, the oldest of the Hardy kids.... and of course Braden' s friend that he thinks he is the coolest person he has ever met. He would follow him to the end of the earth! Then you have Rollins Braden's person..... literally they are connected... with Braden's epilepsy... Rollins is in tune with Braden and it's crazy but i feel safe if Braden is with Rollins.... he is only 6 but... he would know exactly what to do. This little boy is special especially to me.
And for the girls Sarah Kate is Julia Rose's very best friend!! Julia is sooo strong willed and sooo competitive and Sarah Kate can just handle her and lets say just roll with it!! And now back to the story, little Lila who turnded 2 yesturday and is loved by all. Seriously we just love this little bit Julia was just crazy... helps her do everything... even when she doesn't really need it. Its hard for Julia to sit back sometimes and watch Lila open gifts and hang with her sister you are soo little still Julia and want to just be in IT!! You are a sweet little girl and yesturday ... well we tried to make you hang back.... and i think you understood after a while. You were soo proud of you gift you picked out the cutest head band and a dog dog, as lila says purse you couldn't wait to give her. Of course Lila looked so cute, i mean, cute!! The kidos had a great time at the pool party. Braden and Julia both acted soo good and i was soo proud of them!! The party was at D's brother's house so i was a little nervous how the kidos would act!! And they were great!!
After the party we came home and relaxed..... well not really you guys played outside and mommie tried to clean the house it just is soo hard to keep this place picked up!! But i make sure toilets are wiped down every single day and the house will be vacumed, dusted and picked up at least the first floor!!
I have to stop now you guys are wanting to go to the pool!!! ALREADY!! It will be hot today! So we are going to get ready and off to the pool!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Julia U of L soccer camp!!!

Ohhhh my is all i can say!! So, i put you in this soccer camp at UofL you of course are the youngest only 5 and it was a camp for 7 and up.... but you had to do some camp cause Bra has done three so this is the one we chose!!! Well it was the right one for sure!! You had an absolute blast!!! You were amazing!! Really you were!!! You loved it so we have signed you up for soccer this fall and i am going to coach you!!! Well try any way!!! But every morning you got right up to go to camp... they would braid your hair which you loved and also like playing duck duck goose. So i asked you what did you like best about soccer camp... your reply i learned how to spell my name with my booty!!! Yep you shook your booty to the letter of your name.!!! You are something else baby!!!! i love you!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Rollins and Braden

These two little boys are ..... well special!! There friendship will be strong for the rest of their lives. Not many people can say they have a special friend that they share everything with. Well these two little boys have a bond that is more than just a friendship, it is a love for one another. i really believe one of these boys would truly give their life for the other and they are only 6 years old.. like my best friend Danielle said about her son Rollins it's like breathing. What these two boys do together and share is something that most people will never find in their lives. These two boys for example just a normal day going to a normal play date with a little boy from class Rollins told his mom i need to wear two shirts mommie incase braden has a seizure i can take one off and put it under his head. ...... AMAZING!! Same day an hour later, Rollins is a little scared of dogs, well we get out of the car at the little boys house and a big lab comes charging at Rollins... Braden knowing Rollins fear pushes Rollins behind him and stands right in front of the dog and lets the dog jump on him as he protects his friend from any unneccasry fright. This is a normal day in the life of Braden and Rollins. I thank god everyday for blessing my son with such a wonderful friend.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Why i started this blog

Here it is the Timmering Tales. I wanted to start this after talking to my friend Danielle, she was telling me about this site that she could share precious moments on. I knew while i was listening this is exactly what i wanted. I want you Braden and Julia Rose to see how it is .... our life!! And there are moments i want to share with you when you get older! Mind you i have missed so much by starting this now.. Braden you are 6 and Julia Rose you are 5. But watch out because in this family.... you never know what is going to happen in the next 5 minutes!!! So i hope you guys will enjoy this as much as i will!!!

First i want you all to know how much i love you!!!! Braden and Julia Rose are soo different!! You each have totally different personalities, which you will see in these stories!! Julia Rose you are very competitve and will never fall short of anyone or anything!!! You are sooo strong willed and sometimes miss speak ( to put it nicely). We have started you a chart, Some days you get smileys more day ....woops i mean some days you get frownies. This seems to be working. You are thinking when before you speak!!! But no matter how crazy you get and no matter what comes out of your mouth!! i love you more than anything in this whole world. You will have such a different life than me because julia you will stand up for yourself and you will always be the star!!!

Now my Braden, you are the most sensative and loving little boy in the whole world. You have the weight of the world on your shoulders and you are one amazing little boy!!! Not even words can put down what my feelings are for you!! if i dreamed of a son i couldn't have dreamed of one as perfect as you. WE have had quite a different life in the past 8 months. You were diagnosed with epilepsy. Yes, a seizure disorder that we deal with daily by medication and we never leave home without our diastat. This has been life altering, but you have not skipped a beat and i will sacrafice my whole life to make sure of that!!!!

So see why i have to start a blog because of you Braden and Julia..... because your lives are the most important things to me and i want you to look back on them and remember.