Sunday, July 25, 2010

Lila Ray Hardy is 2

Yesturday was Lila Ray's little Bday party!! It was a pool party and you guys were ready to go at 8:30am and it didn't start till noon!! You guys love to swim!! I really think it is instilled in your blood!!! Since everyone in Grampa Maley's family swam. You guys are amazing in the water!! Like fish!! You dive you stroke!!! Braden for a 6 year old, is amazing!! Your strokes are great we just have to get that head turning to the side instead of up!! And Julia for 5, you are very strong in the water!! You will keep up with Braden even if it kills you!!

So lets get back to the day, Lila is two now and the youngest of four Hardy kidos!! We think this little girl is just precious!! She gets right in there and joins the crowd, she loves Brad calls him BAD!!! So Cute!!!
The Hardy's are our very best friends!! I mean the whole family. Kinda crazy and unheard of!!! Danielle is defintaly mine, i can tell her anything and everything and... i do!! Jeremy Danielle's Husband is Brad's definate BFF!!! Actually they are at the Brickyard today together and Dad was pumped!! He was so excited to have his day with his buddy!! Then we have Riggs, the oldest of the Hardy kids.... and of course Braden' s friend that he thinks he is the coolest person he has ever met. He would follow him to the end of the earth! Then you have Rollins Braden's person..... literally they are connected... with Braden's epilepsy... Rollins is in tune with Braden and it's crazy but i feel safe if Braden is with Rollins.... he is only 6 but... he would know exactly what to do. This little boy is special especially to me.
And for the girls Sarah Kate is Julia Rose's very best friend!! Julia is sooo strong willed and sooo competitive and Sarah Kate can just handle her and lets say just roll with it!! And now back to the story, little Lila who turnded 2 yesturday and is loved by all. Seriously we just love this little bit Julia was just crazy... helps her do everything... even when she doesn't really need it. Its hard for Julia to sit back sometimes and watch Lila open gifts and hang with her sister you are soo little still Julia and want to just be in IT!! You are a sweet little girl and yesturday ... well we tried to make you hang back.... and i think you understood after a while. You were soo proud of you gift you picked out the cutest head band and a dog dog, as lila says purse you couldn't wait to give her. Of course Lila looked so cute, i mean, cute!! The kidos had a great time at the pool party. Braden and Julia both acted soo good and i was soo proud of them!! The party was at D's brother's house so i was a little nervous how the kidos would act!! And they were great!!
After the party we came home and relaxed..... well not really you guys played outside and mommie tried to clean the house it just is soo hard to keep this place picked up!! But i make sure toilets are wiped down every single day and the house will be vacumed, dusted and picked up at least the first floor!!
I have to stop now you guys are wanting to go to the pool!!! ALREADY!! It will be hot today! So we are going to get ready and off to the pool!!!

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