Monday, September 20, 2010


This is Roxy!! She is our German Shepard puppy she
is 11 months old!!! Her birthday is one week before Braden's!!
We searched and searched for Roxy.... or for an assist dog for Braden!! After Braden's first siezure, we went a little crazy, after being diagnosed with Epilepsy. WE figured Braden was going to have a lot of seizures and we read.... actually Nana found out about dogs that could sense siezures!!
Well after finding this information out we realized Roxy was a must. WE could not go through life wondering on a daily basis when Braden would have another seizure ..... even through the night, or going outside or any time of day.
So we bought Roxy from an outstanding breeder of these German Shepards. They are actually brought in from Germany to breed from a workline of Geman Shepards. That is why she is mostly black!!! Our breeder was fabulous, matter of fact we still stay in contact with her!!!
Roxy was very very expensive, but heck we didn't care what the cost!! It was for Braden and we NEEDED her to help our life get back to normal..... did i say normal......
Roxy arrived for Christmas!! Actually Santa brought her two days before Christmas!! She was a true gift!!! She has been a really good puppy, except for eating our carpet, eating the sides of the kitchen cabinets, eating our kitchen rugs, and now scratching our new hardwood floor!! But that is all just puppy stuff. She is really really smart!!!
We decided to hire a trainer named Lindsey. She is a dog trainer specializing in all assist dogs!! She is amazing!! Really when she speaks Roxy listens. We started the training off strong!! Roxy was being worked daily!! It was great!!! But it just got to the point of ridiculous when it came to the cost. Like close to our mortgage payment!!!! So, we had to stop training for a little bit!!! And as the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months with no seizure for Braden... the training to lapsed.
Roxy, is truly loved by everyone!! She is wild and out of control sometimes but the kids love her!!! She was named by Julia and the name is really fitting to her personality!!! Braden's siezures are truly under control.......yes we don't know when or if the next one will happen, but we didn't know when and if the first one would ever happen!! It's just life !!! And i am so glad that Roxy is in ours!!!

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